IPPE 2020

28 - 30 January 2020
Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia USA

The International Production & Processing Expo is the world’s largest annual poultry, meat and feed industry event of its kind. A wide range of international decision-makers attend this annual event to network and become informed on the latest technological developments and issues facing the industry.

Special Nutrients & Agrifirm, better together

After the successful launch of Agrimprove in Europe, we will introduce at IPPE this new function feed ingredients brand for the first time to the (Latin) American market.

Pay us a visit at booth number #A2529 and find out all about our ambitious plans with Agrimprove. Our teams of Special Nutrients and Agrifirm look forward to meeting you there!

Come and visit our booth and let’s share ideas

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More information about the event, the program and the venue can be found on https://www.ippexpo.org/

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