Written by Jan Vervloesem, Global lead poultry at Agrifirm

Salmonellosis, a leading cause of human diarrhea, is a significant concern for the poultry industry. The CDC ( Center for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that 200 million to 1 billion people are affected by Salmonella annually, with approximately 85% of cases stemming from contaminated food. Poultry and poultry products are primary sources, making it essential for the industry to implement strategies to reduce Salmonella risk, especially as certain strains become antibiotic-resistant.

Thanks to proper pelletizing time and temperature, and adequate water sanitation practices, feed and water are no longer the main sources of Salmonella contamination in poultry farms. Today, in general, it is the movement of people and trucks between farms. Within a flock with contaminated birds, the biggest multiplier is positive excreta.

A 3-step plan to improve food safety

Agrimprove experts have defined a 3-step strategy to effectively control Salmonella. The approach is based on the knowledge that poultry can only become contaminated when the animals encounter Salmonella in their immediate environment, and when the birds are susceptible to it. That is why the following comprehensive three-step plan is essential:

STEP 1: Monitor and identify risk factors

Regular and extensive sampling of the housing environment is crucial to identify Salmonella presence and entry points. Monitor and sample all:

  • surfaces, equipment and vehicles
  • people (staff, suppliers, visitors, …)
  • feed & water
  • animals (day old chicks, poultry, pets, wild birds, rodents, insects, …)
  • litter

STEP 2: Reduce environmental contamination

Once risks are identified, focus on minimizing Salmonella in the environment through a biosecurity program with targeted interventions that include:

  • cleaning & disinfection procedures
  • access restriction
  • feed, water and storage sanitation
  • day old chick/poultry monitoring
  • rodent and insect control
  • pet- and bird-free housing
  • litter hygiene

STEP 3: Enhance your poultry’s resistance

Modern strategies aim to reduce Salmonella infections and enhance poultry resistance by:

  • ensuring quick elimination or immobilization of Salmonella in the intestines to prevent meat or organ contamination.
  • recognizing that 5-10% of birds may test positive due to the presence of Salmonella in excreta, despite most having natural defenses.
  • reducing Salmonella excretion to lower the bacterial load in the poultry house.

S-prove: a powerful ally against Salmonella

Agrimprove’s S-Prove, a product rich in Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs), significantly reduces Salmonella risk by:

  • killing Salmonella in the gizzard and duodenum
  • reducing bacterial virulence and replication
  • enhancing gastrointestinal tract health and mucus secretion
    Challenge trials demonstrated a 44% reduction of Salmonella in cecal droppings and a 57% reduction in organ contamination when S-Prove was added to feed. Let the numbers speak for themselves…
Negative controlS-prove (0.03%)
% kill off3697.64
% survive642.36
invasion efficiency %5.751.69
virtual risk on salmonella contamination %3.680.04
Table 1: S-prove’s effect on Salmonella contamination
Figure 1: S-proves effect on broilers infected on day 7, monitored on day 12
Figure 2: S-prove’s effect on Salmonella resistance, expressed by the presence of host defense antimicrobial polypeptides in the spleen

Special considerations during critical periods

Young poultry are especially susceptible to Salmonella infections during the first two weeks of life due to immature intestines and developing immune systems. Agrimprove’s C-Prove 80, designed for supplementation in the drinking water, complements S-Prove during these critical periods, further reducing infection risk.


Combining effective management practices with targeted nutritional strategies like Agrimprove’s S-Prove with the addition of C-Prove 80 can significantly reduce Salmonella contamination in poultry. This approach not only improves food safety but also enhances feed conversion efficiency, contributing to safer and more efficient protein production.

Contact your agrimprove expert

Marc Intven
Sales Manager