

Supports the cow, the farmer and the evironment

Meeting the growing demands for meat and milk there is a demand for increased production. On the other hand, ruminant production is under pressure due to the methane emissions resulting from rumen fermentation. Next to contributing to greenhouse gases, methane production by ruminants is an energy loss for the animal and reducing animal performance and feed efficiency. Increasing performance and feed efficiency while simultaneously reducing methane emissions is key for the future development of the ruminant’s production systems around the world.

Animal performance

Due to rumen fermentation ruminants can convert fibrous plant material into high-quality proteins in de form of milk and meat. End products of rumen fermentation are volatile fatty acids (VFA) and high-quality microbial protein as the main resp. energy and protein source for animal performance.

Next to VFA and microbial protein, hydrogen and CO2 are produced which are converted into methane. Methane is an energy loss for the animal. Directing rumen fermentation in reducing this loss by reducing hydrogen production will increase animal performance and improve feed efficiency.


Production of methane accounts for 2-12 % of energy being lost for the animal (Johnson and Johnson, 1995). Methane is produced out of hydrogen and CO2 to reduce the hydrogen concentration in the rumen, which is necessary to keep rumen fermentation running.

The production of propionate will reduce the hydrogen concentration in rumen fermentation, opposite to acetate production that will increase the hydrogen concentration, in that way reducing the methane production and increase feed efficiency.

Main benefits of


  • Increasing production
  • Improving feed efficiency
  • Reducing methane emission

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Marc Intven
Sales Manager

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