Sustainable farming
It goes without saying that reducing AGP’s leads to less antibiotic resistance and therefore more efficiency in controlling bacterial diseases in as well animals as humans. But what is the value, if this leads on the other hand to lower feed conversions meaning a higher need of vegetable protein to produce the same slice of bacon? Natural alternatives like Vita GP with a similar outcome as AGP are able to close this sustainability gap.
Economic farming
Farmers want to produce in the most sustainable way as long as the return on investment is similar or higher. Therefore technical parameters like daily gain, FCR and feed intake are constantly monitored and evaluated. Solutions that affect these parameters without burdening the production cost can easily find there way in animal husbandry, including in high health status farms. Because more efficient animals will provide higher income, but also have reduced presence time in the buildings, saving energy, feed, water and increase possible time for disinfection between batches.
Main benefits of VITA GP
- Increasing performance
- Replacing growth promotors
- Reducing ileitis