idea #23

Focusing on performance and efficiency

More than any other livestock species, poultry are susceptible to heat stress due to their high metabolism. To avoid heat stress related issues such as low performance and decreased feed intake, Agrimprove proposes feed ingredients and water-soluble supplements that help maintain the performance and stress resistance of the animals.

Poultry, a sensitive species

The importance of animal responses to environmental challenges applies to all species. However, poultry seems to be particularly sensitive to temperature-associated environmental challenges. High temperature, especially when coupled with high humidity, imposes severe stress on the birds and leads to lower feed intake, suboptimal growth, reduced egg production and egg quality, a higher sensitivity to pathogens and even increased mortality.

How to
handle the heat

Nature to the rescue

So, what’s the good news? Well, just like many biological processes, the animals’ natural capability to cope with heat stress can be supported with good management and precise feed optimization. It goes without saying that strict monitoring of the poultry house temperature and relative humidity and adequate ventilation are a must for any poultry business. But besides these operational measures, feed is an optimizing factor that is still often underestimated.

It all starts with understanding the importance of the animals’ metabolism and the role it plays in crucial mechanisms such as digestion, gut health and the immune system. Based on advanced insight into this matter, we can turn feed into a precision tool that helps to regulate your animals’ bodily response to its rearing, growing or production environment. The most beautiful part of it all: we can do this with safe and sustainable ingredients such as medium chain fatty acids and natural phytogenics.

We believe that feed optimization will determine the future viability of commercial poultry production. That is why our specialists promote the targeted use of added value feed ingredients

The poultry production industry has known its crises over the last few decades. And each time it has shown the resilience and ingenuity to overcome these hurdles. As a result, most producers have become very aware of the importance of stringent biosecurity measures. Our specialists promote applying the same scrutiny to the targeted use of added value feed ingredients. Reproductive performance, growth rate, FCR, heat stress prevention, eggshell and albumen quality… all of these essential factors can be addressed by smart and science-based feed formulation

Solutions worth considering

Ready for improvement? Try one of our suggested solutions with a proven added value.

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Do you have a question or want personalized advice? Your Agrimprove expert is willing to help. Reach out directly or request to be contacted at your convenience.

Jan Vervloesem
Global lead poultry
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